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  • Writer's pictureThe Shenanigans of Lucy and Ellie

The Shenanigans of New Adventures

'And Suddenly' moments come before new adventures; it's a wake up call and a slap-you-round-the-face realisation that something needs to or is about to change.

We both have had our own 'and suddenly' moments recently, in the form of two new jobs. One anticipated and one eagerly and long awaited. Both of them changing our lives and setting us on the next stage of our paths. While totally ecstatic to be moving onwards and upwards, it can seem a bit daunting. These changes are exactly what The Shenanigans of Lucy and Ellie are here to chat about!

A bit unsure of why we have been blessed with these new roles, we've found it easy to be intimidated and dismayed. It is the utterly wrong frame of mind to be looking at it, and only now, as we are writing this, do we realise. There is no need for doubt and fear because these adventures are just that. Unknown adventures of possibility and excitement that were made for you. We all never stop learning, it may just so happen that you have learnt all you can from this chapter, and the 'and suddenly' is turning the page.

The 'and suddenly' moment is very popular in biblical stories we read about in Genesis, in the story of creation, and in Acts, in The Day of Pentecost. They can be long awaited, unwanted and definitely unexpected. These 'and suddenly' can rock up and rock your boat, be careful not to lose your footing. God's plan will not be stopped by any obstacle in your life so the only way is to ride with it through faith, prayer and knowledge that He will deliver. 'And we know that God causes everything to work together for the good of those who love God and are called according to his purpose for them' - Romans 9:28

Joan of Arc, the young 13 year old illiterate farmer girl is a beautiful example of a new adventure, an 'and suddenly' moment that changed her life forever. Marked by Angel Michael calling upon her to lead a virtuous life, it was the beginning of Joan starting the war to return France to its heir, Charles. Whatever God has called you to, however unsure and unsettled by it, you, our darling reader, have been made for this purpose in His perfect timing. Despite your boat rocked a world upside down, slap that smile on your face and give it all you have because you're in this position for a reason. You are specially made for this special time. -Lucy & Ellie

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